That We May

  Having freely received, we freely give. 

Lighthouse prayerfully asks you to please consider setting up recurring donations through your bank.

By setting up a bill pay donation through your bank account Lighthouse church won’t need to pay a 3% credit card processing fee.

Essentially you can give $3 more without giving more!

Online Giving

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

Prayerfully consider using your bank account and Lighthouse church won’t need to pay a 3% credit card processing fee. You can give $3 more without giving more!


Church app Giving

Simple easy way to schedule recurring giving using our Lighthouse Church App.

Other Ways To Give

1.You can give in person during our services.

2. You can mail checks to:

Lighthouse Church

960 Eastland Dr. Twin Falls, ID  

3. For automatic bank pay or discuss assets you would like to give, please contact Jerry Mottern at