Worship Ministry

Worship Ministry at Lighthouse Church is an integral and vibrant part of our community and dedicated to leading our congregation in authentic and powerful worship experiences.

Fueled by a deep passion for God and a heart for His people, our worship team strives to create an atmosphere where individuals can encounter the presence of God, connect with Him on a personal level, and experience transformation.

Through a diverse repertoire that blends contemporary and traditional music, our worship ministry seeks to create an inclusive space where all can engage in heartfelt worship, raise their voices in adoration, and be rejuvenated in their faith.

Connect with Greg Bostock - 208.737.4667

Connect with Troy Bartlet - troy@lighthousetwin.com

Tech/Media Ministry

Tech/Media ministry plays a crucial role in assisting the church to effectively communicate our message through of sound, recordings, lighting, and visual presentations.

Using modern audio-visual tools, the tech team employ’s these assets facilitating a dynamic and immersive experience for our congregation.

However, their dedication does not stop there. Alongside praising the Lord, their mission extends to reaching out to those who are not yet acquainted with Him, imparting knowledge, nurturing future leaders, and most importantly, exemplifying Christ's love to individuals across all walks of life.

Connect with Troy Bartlet - troy@lighthousetwin.com

Connect with Greg Bostock - 208.737.4667